Wild Billy Childish and the Musicians of the British Empire, Asta Kask, Converge, Dave Lombardo, Dead Moon, Hope Conspiracy, Mike Patton, Napalm Death, Neurotic Arseholes, No Turning Back, Paint It Black, Piebald, Supercharger, Shins, Special Veganismus/Vegetarismus; CD u.a. mit Wild Billy Childish and the Musicians of the British Empire, Boonaraaas!!!, Atomic, Dr. Norton, Toyotas, Dustin's Bar Mitzvah, Derita Sisters, Montreal, Van Norden, Seven Sioux, Piebald, A.C.K., Rose Tatoo, Sasquatch, Duster 69, Volxsturm, Punishable Act, Towerblocks, Agent Krüger, I Killed The Prom Queen, Overflow, Bastard Son Of Johnny Cash, Unskilled, The Fast Lanes
4,00 EUR

ca. 3-5 Wochen